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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观

简介1.Stage fright is a common example of ______ educators call a “lack of confidence” among students. A. that B.whose C.what D.which C of后面what引导宾语从句,同时what又在其引导的句子中做宾语。这是高中英语着重考查的一个知识点,多读类似句子,培养一下语感,这


1.Stage fright is a common example of ______ educators call a “lack of confidence” among students.

A. that B.whose C.what D.which

C of后面what引导宾语从句,同时what又在其引导的句子中做宾语。这是高中英语着重考查的一个知识点,多读类似句子,培养一下语感,这种题不难的,O(∩_∩)O~

2.To ______ good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them.

A. bring up B. add up C. keep up D. take up

C keep up 保持,与你的老师和同学保持友好关系。

bring up 抚养长大 add up 增加 take up 从事,占用

3.micro-blogs experienced rapid growth in 2010 in china ,with the number of micro-blog operators users and visitors ______ several times.

a.to increase b.increasing c.increases d.increase

C 句子前面有一个with,with是介词,不是连词,不能引导句子,所以后面的句子没有谓语,动词要用ing 形式。

4.by this time next year you ______ from the senior high school.

a.will be graduating b.shoud be graduating

c.will have graduated d.are graduating

C by 用完成时。 next year 表将来 因此句子考查将来完成时。

5.It was not until I tidied up my bedroom ______ ,which reminded me of the existence of it.

a.did the drees appear b.that the drees appeared

c.the drees appeared d.had the drees appeared

B It be not until.....that 强调句型,常考,记住它吧O(∩_∩)O~

6.If human beings had been a bit less greedy and cruel,more birds and animals___dying out.

A.ought to avoid B.could have been avoided

C.should have avoided D.might have avoided

D 根据句意。 如果人类可以少一点贪婪的残暴,更多的小鸟和动物将会避免灭绝。

7.______ to be the greatest wrister of play s in the English-speaking world,Williams Shakespeare is more famous than he was in his own lifetime.

A.Considering B.To be considered

c.Having considered d.considered

D Williams Shakespeare 作主语,因此要用被动。考查非谓语动词,be considered to do, 被认为。。。。

8.The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister______ she would stay for an hour.

A.where B.who C .which D .what

A 定语从句,中心词是at the training centre. 在training centre要待上一个小时。

9.We know from their greet how much they expect ______ us .we won't ler them down.

A.of B.on C.for D.to

A except of sb. 固定的 O(∩_∩)O~

10.-what does the sign over there read?

-"No person ______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.

A.will B.may C.shall D.must

C shall 做情态动词,有一个用法是 表命令、规定。


11mr.wu,who is said to have moved to shanghai,______ at No.1 middle School in our city for twenty years

A.has been teaching B.taught

c.was teaching D.has taught

B 由句意知,这人已经搬去上海了,所以要用过去式,他在我们中学教了20年书,发生在过去的。高考考点。

12.— Do you enjoy your present job?

—______ . I just do it for a living.

A.Not likely B. Not a little

C .sure D.Not really

D 高考考点。Not really 就是no的意思。

13.doctors say it willbe many years ______ scientists develop an effective treatment for AIDS.

A.when B.since C .before D.as

C 根据意思,医生们说好要过很多年才能研究出有效的艾滋病疗法。这个,before也是高考考点,多注意,它意思很多,最好用语感做题。


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