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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观

简介够吗?2013高考英语山东卷单选题答案及解析21.I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like of them very much.A. either  B. any  C. each  D. Another参考答案A  解析代词题,对两者的否定用not + either 22.It was ___ cold winter night a




21.I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like of them very much.

A. either  B. any  C. each  D. Another


解析代词题,对两者的否定用not + either

 22.It was ___ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across

night sky.

A.不填,a  B. a , the  C. the, a  D.the, 不填




23.---How far can you run without stopping?

--- . I’ve never tried.

A. Don’t mention it.  B. That’s all right.

C. I have no idea  D. Go ahead


解析  情景交际。做单选记住一句话:“不设空的句子对于空的作答具有决定性的作用”,第二个人后半句说他没试过,所以前半句应该选“不知道”,故选C。(看过美剧的同学都知道,美国人很少说“I don’t know.”遇到他们不知道的东西都会说“I have no idea.”)

24. I didn’t think I’d like the movie, but actually it

pretty good.

A. has been  B. was  C. had been  D. would be



25. The room is empty except for a bookshelf in the corner.

A. standing  B. to stand  C. stands  D. stood


解析  非谓语动词题。Step1: 句子中已经有了谓语动词is,所以空格处应为非谓语动词,排除C、D。Step2: 看到空格前面有名词,说明空格部分的非谓语动词就是“前面这个名词干的”。 Step3: 书橱和站之间是主动关系,且不必强调“要站”或“去站”,故选A。

参考答案 Ks5u

第一部分: 听力理解(共两节, 30分) Ks5u

第一节(共5小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共7. 5分) Ks5u

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C Ks5u

第二节(共15小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共22. 5分) Ks5u

6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B Ks5u

11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C Ks5u

16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C Ks5u

第二部分: 知识运用(共两节, 45分) Ks5u

单项填空(共15小题: 每小题1分, 共15分) Ks5u

21. C 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. D Ks5u

26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C Ks5u

31. D 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. A Ks5u

完形填空(共20小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共30分) Ks5u

36. C 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. A Ks5u

41. C 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A Ks5u

46. D 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. A Ks5u

51. D 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. C Ks5u

第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题: 每小题2分, 共40分) Ks5u

56. C 57. B 58. C 59. D 60. D Ks5u

61. D 62. C 63. B 64. B 65. A Ks5u

66. D 67. C 68. A 69. B 70. A Ks5u

71. A 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. D Ks5u

第四部分: 书面表达(共两节, 35分) Ks5u

情景作文(20分) Ks5u

内容要求: Ks5u

骑车去植树 Ks5u

植树 Ks5u

安插指示牌 Ks5u

照相 Ks5u

二、说明: Ks5u

内容要点可用不同方式表达。 Ks5u

三、One possible version: Ks5u

Green Action in Our Class Ks5u

April 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement. We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment. Ks5u

第二节 开放作文(15分) Ks5u

One possible version:

What an interesting picture! A Western young man, sitting at a table, is ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks. He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot. At first glance, I think it's a bit funny, for we Chinese take for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. The man in the picture is trying to copy us. Obviously he is doing it the hard way. Maybe using one fork will do a better job. In my opinion, we don't need to copy other's ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.

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