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tamoadmin 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介76. to77. meanmeant78. andbut79. holdheld80. turned the corner81. 82. goinggo83. herethere84. hourhours85. werewas(1)there is trouble, (2)why改为because, (3) if only 去掉only (4) can follow去掉 can(5)take a


76. to

77. mean→meant

78. and→but

79. hold→held

80. turned the corner

81. √

82. going→go

83. here→there

84. hour→hours

85. were→was

(1)there is trouble,


(3) if only 去掉only

(4) can follow去掉 can

(5)take an active part ,

(6)fail to listen,

(7)learn from,

(8)be ready to help,


(10)as time goes on

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