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I 听力 (共两节,满分35分) 第一节 听力理解(5段,共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,每段播放前,每小题有5秒钟的阅读时间请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听第一段对话,回答1-3题。 1. Why does the man want to borrow the women’s notes? A .He missed the classes. B.He is not satisfied with his notes. C.He has not taken any notes in class. 2. When does the man feel sleepy? A.On his way to class. B.At the beginning of class. C.Thirty minutes after class begins. 3. Where will the speakes go? A.To the library. B.To the cafeteria. C.To the supermarket. 听第二段对话,回答第4-6题。 4.where will the man most probably find out about the company? A.In the brochures B. In the libtary C. On the Internet. 5.Why will the company ask the man whether he is good for the job? A.To know how he cares abuout the company B.To know what he can contribute to the companuy C. To know if he can make brochures for the company. 6.When can the man ask questions sbuout the jiob? A.At the end of the interview . B.In the middle of the interview. C.At the beginning of the interview. 听第三段对话,回答第7-9题。 7.What dose the man think of big parties? A.They are nosiy. B. They are boring. C.They are interesting. 8.Why does the women like parties ? A. They are the best way to meet people. B. They are the times to meet her best friends. C. They are the opportunites to find serious. 9.What is the propable to find serious guys? A. Colleagues B. Schoolmates C. Teacher and student. 听四段独白,回答第10~12题。 10.What made seaside holiday possible for British family around the mind-19th century? A. Better railway services. B. The invention of the railways C. The fast growth of the railways 11.Why couldn’t ordinary working people goon holiday before 1871? A. The had very little time off work. B. Banks were closed during holidays. C. The was not interested in holidays. 12 What was offered at the seaside to attract holidaymakers? A. Free accommodation B.Income rise. C Cheap entertainment. 听第五段话,回答13~15题 13 How does the man go to work ? A By car. B By bus. C By train. 14.How long will the man’s flight take? A. About 15 hours. B. About 16 hours C. About 18 hours. 15.What does the man do in order to get to sleep on the plane? A . He gets himself tired on the plane? B .He stays up late the day before the flight . C .He takes medicine or has a beer on the plane? 第二节: 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为16~20 的空格中。 听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间,录音读两遍。你将有60秒钟的作答时间。 Ronald Reagan (1911~2004) Time Important events Other information 1932 get a job as a radio(16)______announcer 1937 became a movie actor during the next 27 years appeared in more than(17)______ Playing supporting rules as the hero’s friend from 1954 to 1965 acted in some popular(18) ______ from 1966 to 1974 served as governor of California from 1980 to 1988 served as president of the United States the (19)_______ person to serve as U. S. president after leaving the White House retired to his (20)_______ in California
















1. W: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. Next time it’s on me.

M: Don’t be silly.

W: I’m serious.

M: All right. Next time you treat.

2. M: What’s the chemistry homework Mr. Brown gave us today?

W: Just a minute. I’ll look it up in my notebook.

3. M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning, Helen?

W: Yes, it says we are going to have a wet weekend. We may get some very heavy rain in mountain areas.

M: That means we can’t go camping, but will have to stay in.

4. M: Hi, Maggie. I want all these books here.

W: That might be a lot for your dad to buy at one time.

M: My dad gets me all the books I want.

W: Well, that’s very nice of him.

5. M: Will you excuse me for a moment? I left my key in the car.

W: Certainly.



M: Bob Gordon speaking.

W: Hello, Bob. It’s Ann here. How’s everything?

M: Fine. How about you?

W: Oh, not so bad. Listen, I want to talk to you, Bob, about next Thursday. I hope you haven’t forgotten.

M: No, no. I’ve got it in my diary. Just look it up. Thursday, the14th, the meeting in Birmingham, don’t know when or where, though.

W: Right. That’s what Don White asked me to tell you. It’s in Birmingham at a quarter past eleven in the Rose.

M: The Rose Hotel?

W: Yes, the one opposite the park, Er, now you’ve got the time, right? 11:15, OK?

M: Yeah, fine, 11:15. I may be a few minutes late. There is a train from here at 8:10. I’ll take that one, which train are you getting?

W: I’m catching the 10:17. I get in at about 10:45.

M: OK. See you Thursday then. Cheer then.

W: Bye, Bob.


W: Meg, I’ve just got us tickets to Singapore.

M: That is just too exciting. So when do we set off?

W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. So we need to set off for the airport at 11am.

M: Just let me write that down. So I don’t forget. So we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct fight?

W: Well, there aren’t any direct flights. But we are very lucky. With these tickets we can stop off in Hong Kong. So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore.

M: You’re great. I always wanna go there. So we stop off in Hong Kong and just one more thing. When do we get back?

W: We’ll return home in 10 days’ time.

M: Wow, wonderful, I just can’t wait.


M: Have you booked a table, madam?

W: Yes, we’ve booked one for two. The name is Morrison.

M: Oh, yes, we have the table for you near the group. This way, please.

W: Group? What group? Oh, the music group, I suppose. I can’t stand the noisy places. Now where’s the menu?

M: It’s on the wall, madam, on the blackboard.

W: On the blackboard, indeed. I suppose you can’t afford proper menus.

M: I’m sorry, madam, but that’s what we always do.

W: I have such a busy afternoon in my office. If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.


W: How was the game, Bill? Did you enjoy it?

M: No, it was not interesting at all.

W: That’s too bad. Football games are usually exciting.

M: Not last night. Some of the players didn’t know what they were doing. In fact, one of them was just terrible.

W: Well, which team was the winner?

M: The Tigers, they won the game 3-1.

W: Were you happy about the score?

M: No, I cheered for the losers.

W: What about Eric and Steve? Which team did they support?

M: Well, Eric was for the Tigers, but Steve was for the Lions.

W: Then at least one of you liked the game.

M: Yes, all of us enjoyed eating something. I had a big box of popcorn and ice cream.


Hi, there, cow boys and cow girls. For a really exciting day in the Wild West, come to Cactus City Wild West Park. Yes, bring the children along to see a real old time pioneering town. Shoot guns and ride horses down the road. We’ll open April through September, seven days a week from10 am to sundown. Only 12 dollars for adults and 6 dollars for children or buy a family ticket at 24 dollars. What’s more, every Saturday and Sunday we have a real Wild West Show. Performances start at 2 pm and last for two and a half hours. That’s value for money. There are free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from Cactus City Center. Yes, so we. There is a lot of fun waiting for all the family at Cactus City Wild West Park.



1. Who is paying the lunch now?

A. They share the bill B. The woman C. The man

2. Who are the two speakers?

A. Workers B. Students C. Teachers

3. What will the speakers do over the weekend?

A. Go camping B. Stay at home C. Climb mountains

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a bookstore B. On a bus C. At home

5. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Get his key B. Start the car C. Wait for him



6. Why does the woman call the man?

A. To tell him the time and place of a meeting.

B. To tell him how to get to Birmingham.

C. To tell him to visit Don White.

7. Which train is the woman taking?

A. The 10:17 B. The 10:45 C. 11:15


8. When is their flight?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening

9. Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong?

A. Direct flights are more expensive.

B. They plan to do some shopping there.

C. There are no non-stop flights to Singapore.

10. How long will the speakers be away from home?

A. Two days B. Ten days C. Twelve days


11. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a concert hall B. In a restaurant C. In a theatre

12. How does the woman feel in the conversation?

A. Unhappy B. Curious C. Excited

13. What is the woman going to do next?

A. Start to work immediately B. Talk to the group C. Sit down to order


14. Why was Bill unhappy about the game?

A. Some players played poorly.

B. The scores were too close.

C. It lasted too long.

15. Who cheered for the Tigers?

A. Steve B. Bill C. Eric

16. What was the one thing Bill said he enjoyed?

A. His friends’ company.

B. Supporting his team.

C. Eating some food.

17. What do you know about the woman?

A. She knows Bill well.

B. She owns a restaurant.

C. She dislikes football.


18. What do you know about Cactus City Wild West Park?

A. A place to see cowboys and cowgirls.

B. A place for children to play in winter.

C. A fun place for the whole family.

19. When does the wild west show begin?

A. At 10 am weekdays.

B. At 2pm on weekends.

C. at 2:30 pm everyday.

20. When can people take free buses to the park?

A. On Saturdays and Sundays.

B. Throughout the week.

C. In the evening.





(Text 1)

M:Ouch,it really hurts terribly here,because I fell over heavily just now.

W:I think you need an X?ray.Shall I help you get to the hospital?


(Text 2)

M:Is the meeting held in Room 302 or 303?

W:It should be 302.But I hear that it has been put off till tomorrow.

M:Really?Is it at three in the afternoon?

W:No.It will be at two.

(Text 3)

M:Have Thomas and Lily set a date for leaving?

W:No,they haven’t.But Thomas said they’d like to leave next Monday or Tuesday.

M:I’d like to see them off at the airport.Will you go with me?


(Text 4)

W:While traveling, which do you prefer to take, train, ship or plane?

M:It depends. Different people have different reasons for their choice.

(Text 5)

M:I want to find a small flat. What should I do?

W:Well, firstly you should read the advertisements for flats to let in the local newspapers. Then you should phone and make an appointment. If it seems OK, you should go and see it.

(Text 6)

M:Why,Mary Smith!I haven’t seen you for ages.How have you been?

W:John,John Brown!It has been a long time,hasn’t it?It must be at least a year.

M:No,we talked at the Johnsons’Christmas party last December.Don’t you remember?

W:That’s right.Well,how are you?Still working for the food company?

M:No,I changed jobs three months ago.I’m with the National Bank now.How about you?

W:I’m still teaching at the university,but I moved from the German Department to the Spanish Department.Well,how is your family?Are the children all in school now?

M:No,Billy is still at home.Tom is in the third grade and Jane’s in the second.

W:Our two children haven’t started school yet,either.But they will go in the fall.

(Text 7)

M:What shall we do this weekend?

W:Did you have something special in mind?

M:No,not really.I just thought it might be fun to do something new.

W:Doing something for a change,you mean?

M:Yes,something different.I need a change.

W:I usually go shopping and have my hair done during the weekend and you usually watch the football games on TV.

M:Yes,you often have tea with your friends.And I sometimes play cards with my friends.We seldom do anything together.It’s quite unlike when we were first married.

W:Now I’ve got an idea.Autumn is the best season in Beijing.Why don’t we go for a picnic this weekend?You’ll invite your friends and I’ll invite mine.We’ll go together.

M:Good idea!I’d see about the car and you’ll prepare the food.But are you sure you really want all our friends to come along?

(Text 8)

M:Doctor,is it easy to see death?

W:Well,it seems it’s not so easy for me to tell you about death.

M:Tell me the fact,please.I’m not afraid.

W:OK.I guess you’re on the way to see death.

M:I believe you’re right.But I want to have a long life.Help me,please.

W:OK.Listen.It looks as if you have too much money.


W:It seems that the more money you have,the worse your health is.You must have worried too much about the safety of your money.

M:Yes,that’s quite true.

W:Why not give some money to poor people?

M:No way!Money is my life.

(Text 9)

W:How are you doing, Andrew?

M:Not well. I’ve been feeling pretty lonely lately.

W:But you have so many friends! How could you be lonely?

M:You know what they say: a friend to all is a friend to none. I don’t feel like I really know any of my friends. In fact, I should probably call them acquaintances, not friends.

W:What about me? I’m your friend.

M:I know you are, but you’re my girlfriend. I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes.

W:I know what you mean. I find it difficult to make new friends, too. It’s not as easy as it was when we were young, is it?

M: Not at all.

W: I’ve made a lot of new friends since I started learning English. Maybe you could join a club or take a class to make some new friends.

M:That’s a good idea.

W:What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?

M:I’m not sure. I guess I’d like to meet some people who have a positive attitude and want to have a good time.

W:People who play ultimate Frisbee have a positive attitude; maybe you should join the ultimate Frisbee club.

M:That’s a possibility. Thanks!

(Text 10)

A large National Park has been built to protect the culture of ancient Native Americans.It is called Mesa Verde.It was cold that day in 1988 in southwestern Colorado.Richard Wetherill and his brother?in?law were trying to find some missing cattle.They were up on Mesa Verde.Spanish explorers had named the area.The high,flat mountaintop is covered with bushes and pine trees.It looks like a huge green table,which is“mesa verde”in Spanish.The two men came to the edge of a deep canyon.Through the falling snow,they saw what looked like a small city across the canyon.It was hanging in the middle of the rock wall.There were many connected rooms built into a natural opening in the rock.They named the ruins Cliff Palace.In the next few days,they found two more large ruins.They named one Spruce Tree House and the other Square Tower House.

The Wetherill family were the first people to study them.Soon after this discovery,Richard Wetherill returned to Mesa Verde,to the ruins that had remained silent and untouched for centuries.





1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B

11.C l2.B l3.B l4.C l5.C l6.A l7.C l8.A l9.B 20.B


21. 答案A


22. 答案D

解析考查时态和交际用语说话者用I _didn't_ know,是表示现在之前他不知道。而他现在说要去看他当然是将要去看他用“will'.




解析动词短语辨析break up 断绝关系。 finish up 结果成为;最终到来。 divide up 分担,分配,分享。close up (伤口)愈合。



26. A. help B. to have helped C. to help D. having helped


解析China are expected to help reduce unemployment pressures. to help 与to hire 位置相同。


解析be sensitive to对什么敏感。Jerry is even more sensitive to emotional and relationship problems. more sensitive to与more easily troubled by 并列。


解析he could have expressed it differently.他要是用另一种方式来说该多好啊。


解析交际用语Bill, can I get you anything to drink?Bill,你想要喝点什么?I wouldn't mind a coffee 我不见意要一杯咖啡。


解析according to 根据 regardless of 不管,不顾 in addition to 另外 in terms of 就...而言.这所特殊学校接收所有的残疾学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景如何.

31. 答案B

解析哪儿的失业率高 ,哪儿的犯罪就率高,那可以认为是前者导致后者的原因。


解析主句 .Distinguished guests and friends are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad. Attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning非谓语动词作伴随状语。


解析考察固定搭配,hope to do sth;


解析句中此处是一个名词性定语从句,leave 是动词,后面要加宾语。其中that 和which 引导宾语从句的话,要有先行词在连接词的前面。所以应该选D


解析代词 代are expected


36. 答案C

解析由文章知到,现在的大学要求学生要完成6小时Service Learning为正确答案。

37. 答案B

解析不完成Service Learning,否则就不予毕业。

38. 答案D

解析是Service Learning的例子


解析在Service Learnin期间的某一时候,所以选During

40. 答案B

解析在进行Service Learnin,由生活常识来看,要写一个调查报告






43. 答案D


44. 答案C




46. 答案A


47. 答案D


48. 答案C

解析point out指出deal with处理 look into深入地检查,研究;调查 take down写下;记下

49. 答案A




51. 答案B


52. 答案A






55. 答案C



解析细节理解题Besides, women consider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships -- not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the screen.可以看出women think they can have a good time and develop relationships

57. 答案B

解析细节理解题but a woman sees it as a means of bonding. A woman can spend two weeks on vacation with her girlfriend and, when she returns home, telephone the same girlfriend and talk for another two hours.


解析推理判断题Since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group, they developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relationships. For a woman, speech continues to have such a clear purpose: to build relationships and make friends.

59. 答案C

解析主旨大意题本文从男女看电视的反应开始谈男女注意力、性格等差异,看楚女人喜欢讲话。Women Love to Talk


解析细节理解题But I straggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother,和I said,“They are my brother’s boots.My mother makes me wear them,and I hate them!”可以看出正确答案。


解析细节理解题I looked into her eyes and said.“I didn’t want to lose them.so I put them into the toes of my boots.

62.A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times


解析推理判断题此题较难。1Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots.2handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected the adult to do an the work. After mush wiggling and pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.3she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.4As she pulled the offending boots from my feet,she still managed to look both helpful and interested.Once they were off.由文章可以看出作者对幼儿园老师的“刁难”了four times


解析she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl.“我”对童年往事的回忆,对幼儿园老师的“刁难”这一主旨看出来。


解析细节理解题从文中Short-term students at QUT cannot use their ID cards to gain a discount fare on BCC public transport.You will need to buy an adult ticket to travel.Bus fares are dependent on the number of zones you have to travel.There are several types of tickets可以看出答案。






解析细节理解题The topsoil layer is made up of small particles of rock mixed with rotten plant and animal matter called humus(腐殖质),which is black and gives the topsoil its dark colour。 This layer is usually rich in nutrients,oxygen,and water.


解析推理判断题This layer is lighter in colour because of the lack of humus.Beneath the soil lies a layer of bedrock。可以看出答案


解析推理判断题Eventually the water reaches a layer called the water table.Under this is bedrock through which water cannot percolate.可以看出答案




解析Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other person’s view is wrong.需要将其意思转换为是自我为中心的或个体主观的意思。




解析neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are.可以找出答案,然后对信息进行一下转换。


解析communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share.信息定位后转化一下,使之适合于表格。


解析由Communication Occurs almost every minute of your life.转化而来


解析if you are not communicating with yourself(thinking,planning,reacting to the world around you)


解析you are observing others and drawing inferences from their behavior.


解析We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.转化而来


解析You cannot go back in time and erase your messages to others.


解析Your second experience with a similar setting and person made far different results.转化而来


The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.

For most people, it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet. A well-chosen mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the screen. With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we want. It can even bring us a flood of music, movies and PC games. Just imagine, all this can be done with a cute mouse.

A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn’t always help in a positive way. Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing. Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth. Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically.

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